TWP is a hardcore supplement brand from Dan "Warrior " Singh with a range of EFFECTIVE supplements to help you shred fat, add lean mass and BEAST through your training!
The most popular product is the EPIC LFT SHT Pre-Workout, which is supercharged with more bodybuilding stims than you can imagine - do you DARE to double scoop?? Stack it with Varicose (the PUMP pre-workout) for the best of both worlds and a CRAZY look in the gym.
If you're looking to shed some weight then a DICED and I-DRIVE combination could be the best option out there; hardcore thermogenic and a glycogen disposal agent 2 in one SARM - you can't fail!
TWP also caters for the hardcore bodybuilder with a range of SARMs designed to elicit MAXIMUM results with minimal sides - just grab an AFTERMATH PCT too and enjoy the best results of your life!